Digital Transformation

Industrial Visit – an insight to Infosenseglobal


Industrial visit is an integral part of professional courses, during which students visit a company and get an insight on the internal working environment of the company. Industry visits provides students a practical perspective on the world of work, an exposure to current work practices which emphasize on the implementation of the theoretical knowledge being taught at college, thus balancing both, practical and theoretical knowledge of the students.

There is a considerable difference between today’s educational system and industrial requirements. College freshers do not reach the expectations of a company. The only way to bridge the gap is connecting students with the industries so that students will be able to understand the needs of the industry and groom themselves accordingly. Industrial visit to students is a pathway through which Infosenseglobal helps them to bridge the gap. On 24th January, students from Saffrony Institute of Technology visited Infosenseglobal. Our core team welcomed them and introduced them to the world of IT, where coding skills are not the only necessity, but, documentation knowledge, communication and analytical skills are equally important; which was followed by, What Infosenseglobal is; What services we provide; What are our beliefs; and What values we preach.

A thorough introduction to the services was given by our experts in their domains. This included, Functional Services, Application Management, Managed Services, Reporting Tools, Development Service, Database Administration, Web Practice, and Mobile Application Development. Afterwards, the most important discussion commenced; How to bridge the gap between IT Literate and IT Professional? What students should do to strengthen their abilities for different areas of work? This followed by an interactive Question/Answer session. Students took an office tour and their doubts were addressed by our volunteers. To conclude the visit, we had a discussion over tea followed by a group picture of the students, accompanying faculty and the core team. It was a knowledge enhancing & rapturous day for students. We would like to extend a special thanks to the faculty of the Saffrony Institute of Technology, Prof. Parimal Patel and Prof. Tejas Patel, for taking such an initiative and giving us the opportunity to enlighten the students.

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